Step into the gripping world of cybercrime, friendship, and moral dilemmas with “The Sakawa Boys” by L.P. Henson. This captivating novel delves deep into the dark realm of cybercrime and explores the harsh realities faced by those returning to their homeland after serving time abroad. Follow the journey of Kwame Boateng, a Ghanaian deported from the US for white-collar crimes, as he grapples with shame and alienation in Accra. Seeking refuge in Nigeria, he reunites with Chijioke Okonkwo, a former prison mate known for his illicit riches. As financial struggles mount, Kwame proposes a return to their criminal past. Together, they plunge back into the world of online scams, adding an intriguing touch of Black Magic (JuJu). They gamble everything for redemption and wealth but find themselves at a crossroads when law enforcement closes in.

“The Sakawa Boys” is a thought-provoking narrative that explores themes of friendship, betrayal, and the perilous pursuit of riches. It shines a light on the moral dilemmas faced in a world where survival often requires crossing ethical boundaries. Prepare to be spellbound as you navigate this thrilling tale of ambition and its consequences.

A prosperous African family had everything they could desire, thanks to the father and husband’s success as a herbal and spiritual healer. When this remarkable man was invited to the United States to continue his healing work, he decided to seize the opportunity and relocate his entire family to the land of promise and opportunity. However, upon their arrival, they quickly discover that the promised land falls short of its grandiose reputation, and the opportunities they had envisioned are not accessible to all.

The family is confronted with numerous hardships, including the father’s imprisonment due to his unconventional practices. Meanwhile, the son, straying from his own beliefs, resorts to street life and engages in criminal activities. It becomes imperative to save him before the streets inevitably catch up with him. This compelling narrative encompasses themes of faith, hatred, betrayal, and hope.

The drug game has undergone a significant change, with everyone singing to avoid lengthy prison sentences. Loyalty to the game has waned, except for two childhood friends who remain deeply entrenched and abide by the old-school code. After years of suspicion, the authorities finally gained traction on these two friends when their associates started getting caught and implicating them as the masterminds of the operation. Under constant surveillance, they realized it was time to exit the drug game before the feds locked them away for an extended period.

However, these two loyal friends must now outsmart and outmaneuver the authorities to amass enough wealth to secure their families’ futures before vanishing from sight. In a high-stakes game where each player knows the next move, the ultimate question remains: Who will emerge victorious—the tenacious feds or the steadfast duo still loyal to the game?

Prisons and jails can be daunting places to find oneself. For first-timers, the unfamiliarity and uncertainty of navigating these environments can be overwhelming. Even for those already incarcerated, there are countless aspects that remain unfamiliar, as prisons and jails create their own peculiar set of circumstances. This book aims to guide individuals step by step, from the moment handcuffs are placed on them or an arrest warrant is issued, all the way to their eventual release from prison or jail. It provides a comprehensive understanding of what to expect and how to navigate the challenges that arise.

Readers will gain valuable insights on how to effectively manage their time, avoid potential pitfalls, and, above all, survive in the midst of this challenging environment. For loved ones who have someone incarcerated or awaiting imprisonment, this book serves as a guide to understanding the trials their loved ones face behind bars. It sheds light on the experiences they endure, sometimes choosing not to share their struggles in order to spare their loved ones’ worry.

By comprehending the new world one finds themselves in or is about to enter, readers will gain insight into why individuals often emerge from the system worse off than when they entered, and why the most powerful country in the world has a staggering recidivism rate of 67%. This book serves as a blueprint for survival and offers guidance on how to avoid reentering the penal system.

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